
We provide you an oportunity to purchase securities by taking a loan


Always be prepared for exceptional opportunities in the market


We offer you financing of your strategic purchases

Liquidity is of key importance in the business world. Success depends on the speed of one's responses when opportunities present themselves. In such moments funds are not always at hand. But one does not want to miss the right moment. We, therefore, offer you the possibility to take a loan and use it to take advantage of market opportunities. 


You can choose from the following loan options: 


Leverage your trading by taking out a loan to purchase securities.

When an opportunity arises to buy securities in the financial markets, but you do not have enough funds at your disposal? We offer a solution. 

No branch visits needed!



Don't ever miss an opportunity again! Take a loan and buy shares of your choice now. We provide you with the necessary funds on the basis of a loan agreement in the amount of 10% of the total value of marketable securities in your portfolio or up to an amount of EUR 20,000. 


You can use the obtained funds to purchase securities through our online platform ILIRIKA Online. You can apply for a loan via the online form found on the ILIRIKA Online trading platform. 


You will receive the funds in your trading account immediately after the loan is approved. You can repay the loan at any time if you pay a one-time fee in accordance with the ILIRIKA price list. 

Terms of financing



• Maximum loan amount: 10% of the market value of the portfolio or up to 20,000 EUR 
• Loan maturity: 6 months with the possibility of extension 
• Variable interest rate: 1-month Euribor + fixed mark-up 8% p.a. + variable mark-up in% expressed monthly growth rate of consumer prices * 
• Loan approval and early repayment of the loan: according to the valid ILIRIKA price list 

* if 1M, Euribor or the monthly growth rate of consumer prices is negative, their value is zero. 

Contact us for more information on loans

Loans are tailored to the individual needs and wishes of our customers, thus call us on +386 1 300 24 61 or write to us at to get more information. 


You can also enter your details in the form below and we will contact you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can only use the borrowed funds to trade securities through your trading account with ILIRIKA.

You can use the borrowed funds to trade all liquid securities, such as shares on major international stock exchanges, Krka shares, Petrol shares or other shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. The liquidity of securities is determined on the basis of the company's internal rules. Generaly speaking this means that the share must be traded in at least 90% of the time in the last three months.

The amount of money to take out a loan depends on the product you choose. For example, for REPO loans, which are considered special-purpose loans, the minimum value of the loan portfolio is 100,000 EUR. In the case of a loan for the purchase of securities or a limit on the trading account, there is no minimum amount, but there is an upward limit, namely the maximum value of the borrowed amount is 20,000 EUR or 10% of the value of the portfolio. 

To activate the loan, you must first have a trading account with ILIRIKA d.d. and have liquid securities in the portfolio. Once this condition is met, you can apply for a loan or limit through the online trading platform. You can do this on the home screen of the ILIRIKA Online trading platform from the comfort of your home armchair. No branch visit is required. The loan is expected to be granted within one to three business days. For more information on the REPO loan, we recommend that you contact one of our experts, who will prepare an offer tailored to your needs.

Once you have opened a trading account with ILIRIKA, you can log in to your ILIRIKA Online account and place an order for electronic trading (or e-trading). 

The sale is carried out according to the same procedure as the purchase, except that when selecting an order instead of “Buy”, mark “Sell”. 

Borrowing funds or leverage means that ILIRIKA lends you part of the funds that can be used to buy securities. If you make a profit from trading on these borrowed funds, it is, of course, exclusively yours. 

ETFs or exchange traded funds are funds, that are listed on the stock exchange and represent a baskets of various investments or portfolios that you can trade. By purchasing an ETF, you become the owner of the investments in your portfolio without having to buy each individual investment from the ETF's portfolio separately. 

You can open a trading account right from home via VIDEO IDENTIFICATION (via the following link: Ilirika Online) or by visiting the branch office, where our clerks in the reception office will be happy to open an account for you and answer any questions you may have. 

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