
An unvaried mark of legal entities in the international identification system.


For legal entities, which trade their financial instruments in Slovenia and Europe.


A quick and simple LEI code acquisition at ILIRIKA.

Legal entities with financial investments and trading transactions on one of the organised markets in Slovenia or abroad, must obtain the LEI code pursuant to the European MiFID II Directive.

What is LEI code and what you need to know?

LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is an unvaried global identifier of legal entities, funds and sole proprietors. The objective of this identifier is to enable accessible data in one location for the regulation authorities and agencies of the EU member states. The LEI code is a 20-character code, which must be obtained by a legal entity by the end of the current year, if they trade with securities in Slovenia and abroad. Pursuant to the ISO 17442 standard, you are obliged to acquire the LEI code regardless of the markets/countries you trade on, and regardless of the type of securities you trade with.

How to obtain the LEI code quickly and simply?


At ILIRIKA, we arrange for you to obtain the LEI code. All you have to do is notify us via e-mail to start the process for the acquisition of your LEI code. We take care of everything else.



Frequently Asked Questions

The LEI code is valid exactly one year from the date of obtaining it, and then it must be renewed.

Title, address, VAT ID No. or the Registration No. of the legal entity.

After receiving the complete documentation, which is filed by the legal entity and received electronically, the code is obtained in the course of one working day.

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